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Some areas people choose to work on, but are not limited to:

  • Releasing judgments and negative self-talk

  • Shifting to a positive mindset

  • Developing a sense of empowerment

  • Understanding your true purpose

  • Uncovering your internal blocks to happiness

  • Understanding who you truly are

  • Healing past wounds 

  • Navigating difficult life challenges


Stone Tower

Personal Coaching

We can all feel stuck at times in any area of our life? Personal coaching is about unlocking the incredible gifts within yourself and around you.  A coaching relationship is designed to support, empower, and equip you for the exciting next steps you want to take on your journey!


Stone Water Fountain

Leadership Development

Are you feeling burnt out as a leader or you're not getting the results with your team that you want?  Leading from a place from within based on values and passion can deliver your desired results and more in a long term sustainable way.  Check out the Leadership page for more information and book a consultation call.

Fruit and Leaves

Spiritual Development

Spirit lies at the heart of all existence, intricately designed and linked to everything. Spiritual growth involves embracing your true self and releasing the ideas of who you, or your spirit, were told to become and developing a new relationship with yourself and the world around you.


Forest Lake

Team Development

Every group can get off balance at times.  Team development is about working with you and your team to re-align in vision, purpose and goals in an empowering and united way for all.

This would begin with a consultation call and then working towards meeting the team and creating a plan together.

Sage bundle in bowl

Couples and Group Coaching

We are all unique individuals and at times we lose our connection to one another as we become more focused on the things that divide us than the things that unite us.  Group and couples coaching can help individuals find their way to a new path that leads to harmony in each other's lives again.

$50 per person / hr

Rock Maze

Consultation Call

Book a 1 hour consultation to call either on the phone or over zoom to see what the best path forward is for you.


“The day will come when, after harnessing the ether, the winds, the tides, gravitation, we shall harness for God the energies of love. And, on that day, for the second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire.”             ― Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Toward the Future.

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