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Leadership Development

We are all called to, whether that is within ourselves or for others. Like everything else in this world, leadership is often measured by external values rather than internal growth. Being a leader is determined by titles, diplomas, certificates, wealth, and status, but once you've accumulated all of these things, you spend the rest of your time trying to maintain that image and surpass it.

There are many successful leaders who lead this way, it is often those they lead and everyone around them who suffer as a result. It is a performance-based leadership style where results are prioritized over values.

Image by Tyler Milligan

You can lead from within and still achieve all the same results while also building a foundation that cannot be shaken. Everyone who leads can feel the pressure of the clock and the burden of results weighing on them, and doing the illogical is often the most sustainable approach. Slow down and trust that you can achieve everything you want and more, without sacrificing yourself or those around you.

Faith - Obedience - Freedom - Trust

God called us to peace, and that He will give us peace, but not a peace of this world.  His peace may cause division as there are two paths in life – the one of the world and the one of the Kingdom.  We cannot serve two masters, and only service to one truly brings peace.


So how do we find this peace through Jesus that He promised each and every one of us?


If you have faith, you will trust God and obey what He is asking even it is not logical, which leads to freedom of having to worry about what to do or coming up with the answers to problems, and when we are free of burdens and worrying about ourself, then we are free to love ourselves, and to love other’s openly and selflessly.


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We spend so much of our lives trying to fix problems one by one, but the root of all things is spirit.  You can look at what are the key areas of your personal life and then try and see which ones are in balance and which ones do you want to grow and then take on fixing those problems.  You can look at your work life or any area of your life and do the same.  It’s like an endless game of whack a mole because as soon as you get one, then on to the next, or maybe in the process an area that was good has now fallen off.

Instead of looking simply at the whole picture and becoming overwhelmed and not taking action, or looking at each individual problem and then just running yourself exhausted and then again becoming exhausted, there must be a better option than exhaustion or simply coasting through life just trying to make it to the end and a hope of something better on the other side.

God has the answer to all of these problems, and the answer always comes back to Him.  If we trust God is always working for our good and we have nothing to fear or be ashamed of,

imagine how much more willing we’d turn to Him and not to ourselves or one-an-other.  Imagine how more unified we would be instead of at war?  God is within all of us, working for us and through us as He brings us into Him and His Kingdom.  The Kingdom of Heaven is here, not in some far off place or somewhere to go after we die.


In my personal life, the verse that always guided me was Romans 12:2 – Do not conform to the terms of the world around you but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  It led me down every illogical path in this world that would leave to success and stability in this world.  Instead, God was asking me to follow His path so I could have success and stability in His Kingdom, and by His grace, it also have me success and stability in this world.


In my work life at one point, starting a new job, everything was out of balance.  It wasn’t about spending a year trying to find a healthy work life balance because the work load was immense.  It wasn’t one year focusing on all the endless tasks that had to be done within impossible timelines.  It was a year of doing everything God asks us to do.  Build His kingdom, share His love, guide people to Him, advocate for the vulnerable, defending the poor and following His vision and direction and not every direction or vision telling me what I had to do.  A year later every area that was extremely broken came into balance and God brought me into a place of peace as His work flourished, the organization thrived, and staff were empower to not only do their jobs, but do the work of God first.


It was trusting that even when the work load was crushing, when everything was falling apart and nothing seemed to be going as planned, when everyone was saying hurry up but God was saying slow down and He was working for my good, even when deadlines were nearing and the attacks were coming. He never promised the path would be easy, in fact He is openly truthful that it won’t be.  He did promise that He will never put more on us that we can handle and He is there to lift the burdens and weight when we surrender it to Him.  He promises to go before us, with us and behind us, to protect us when the attacks come, and uphold us so we can give Him the glory.  He promises every seed He asks to grow He will grow and His peace and Kingdom will rest where we build it.


It truly is – if you do not stand in your faith, you will not stand at all.  You can choose to stand on the broken promises of this world, or every promise of God!

“The day will come when, after harnessing the ether, the winds, the tides, gravitation, we shall harness for God the energies of love. And, on that day, for the second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire.”             â€• Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Toward the Future.

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